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Holyland & Co. - A Short History

Founded in 1938, the practice was based for many years in and around the centre of Leicester - moving to our new premises on the outskirts of Thurmaston in 2009.
Over the years, we have seen many changes not just to business but also the world in which we live:-
- the post-Second World War economic re-construction;
- the 50's when we "never had it so good"
- the swinging 60's (if you can remember it, you were not there);
- the "sick man of Europe" in the 70's ending with the "winter of discontent"
- the recessions and the boom years of the 80's and 90's "Greed is right, greed works." - Gordon Gekko from Wall Street
- surviving the "millennium bug" without catching a cold
- the consumerisation of the "noughties"
- the "crash" and slow re-build since 2008
- surviving the Pandemic

There is not a lot that we have not seen over the years - and all of these problems we have guided our clients through (many of our clients have been with us for 30, 40 and 50 years).
We are here for our clients - and our clients stay with us.
Originally founded by two brothers - Sidney and Stanley Holyland, the practice has seen many changes. Throughout the last eighty years though the firm has always been focused on the quality of client service. We look after the accounting and compliance aspects so that our clients can focus on running their businesses.
The current Managing Director is Lawrence Brennan FCCA who has been with the firm since 1988. In recent years, the firm has expanded its client portfolio through the acquisition of other local practices and in 2015 merged with Glover Spencer (a long-established Leicester practice). Dale Glover FCCA has joined Holyland & Co. as a consultant bringing extensive experience and expertise.

The Secret of our success

Click on the above link to find out more about the ACCA

What does ACCA mean for you

Being a member firm of the ACCA means that this firm operates to the highest possible standards.



Best Practice:


The ACCA requires member firms to all adopt and maintain the highest standards of excellence in the wide range of activities typically carried out in small and mid-sized practices. Good quality controls help to maintain the quality of work and consistently good service to the clients.


Identifying Client Needs:


Our standards are based on five principles, which go beyond statutory and regulatory compliance and which include:

- adhering to ACCA's code of ethics and conduct;

- clearly identify all clients' needs:

- re-assessing services for continuing clients on a regular basis;

- maintaining efficient paper based records and electronic systems; and

- keeping our skills and knowledge up to date.

We must communicate effectively with statutory bodies, ACCA and other regulators, and - importantly - keep clients informed of opportunities or obligations of which they may have been unaware.


Improved Service:


ACCA membership confirms that the practice has achieved and maintained a standard of excellence that enables us to offer the highest quality service to clients.

Holyland and co accountants in leicester

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